Health Benefits of HorseTail / Cola de Caballo
Horsetail Benefits
Horsetail / Cola De Caballo is a plant that grows wild throughout the earth. Horsetail is believed to contain the highest amount of silica, an important nutrient for healthy nails, skin, hair, HIGH in calcium and potassium. It is a great herbal remedy to Help Bone Fractures as well as Tendon and Ligament Injuries. Helps support a Healthier Cardiovascular System. Horsetail can be used as a Diuretic that helps Diminish Toxins from the Body and Promotes Urination helping with Naturally Dissolving Kidney & Gallbladder stones.
It is Effective in helping Both External and Internal Bleeding (Hemorrhages) for its Powerful Astringent (causing the contraction of skin cells & other body tissues..) Properties. Cola De Caballo / HorseTail is also said to be helpful for Edema, Prostate Issues, Arthritis and Swelling of the Legs, as well as Tuberculosis (TB) conditions..
Horsetail is a favorite among many Native Americans since their ancestors used Horsetail / Cola De Caballo Tea as a Diabetes Detox & Natural Cough Medicine for their horses & dogs. It helps your dogs Arthritis Pain, Google it! The Cherokee and Chippewa tribes & many more have used it as a Kidney Tonic and to Treat Painful Urination.
The medicinal use of Horsetail dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times. The Greeks used this herb to speed up wound healing. Origin Northern Hemisphere including Africa, Asia, Europe, North, Central,& South Americas. Fossil records show hundreds of millions of years ago, this magnificent plant (HorseTail) reached 30 metres or more. (98 feet & HIGHER!!!)
Dating back to prehistoric times, HorseTail grew when the dinosaurs roamed the earth. Nowadays, while Horsetail plants may lack the impressive natural height of their prehistoric relatives, they certainly make up for their wide different types of benefits for the human body. Their Healing benefits that have been known to ancient shamans, emperors, & people for medicine. Horse Tail / Cola de Caballo strikingly resembles human joints, tendons, tissues, and it is now known that they are remarkably High in Silica (a substance which preserves elasticity and connective tissue). Each plant resembles the condition or the part of the body it can heal. Horse Tail strengthens the connective tissues of your brain, nerve cells, and spinal cord thereby, it is improving your memory and helping you to prevent memory loss. Cola de Caballo / Horse Tail also helps your body stabilize the pancrea’s release of insulin. Turn to Silica in Natural Herbs like HorseTail if you deserve to have healthy Skin, Nails, & Hair !!!

Bone Health/Arthritis Pain Relief
HorseTail contains Silica, it is high in many minerals & nutrients that support the strengthening of your bones. Silica is necessary in the building blocks in building and maintaining healthy bone connective tissues, cartilage, muscle, skin, tendons, and ligaments. Consuming Horsetail Tea (a natural great source of silica) increases the body’s absorption of Bone Building Minerals such as Calcium, helping to provide Relief from a whole host of structural Diseases.
Studies have shown that Horsetail directly stimulates the Production of Bone Cells, leading to the increased Formation of Bone Tissues. HorseTail also contains naturally bio-available calcium which is ideal for the body to Use to Repair and Rebuild Joints & Connective Tissues. A deficiency in Silica precedes the Calcium loss that causes the De-Mineralization of Healthy Bones, meaning that before the Calcium is lost there must be a lack of silica in the human diet.
HorseTail / Cola de Caballo is an extremely useful herb in the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis & Rheumatoid Arthritis. This herb helps to repair bone fractures naturally, by building Cartilage for Stronger Bones in your body.
It also Boosts your Calcium production and Absorption by your bones. Cola De Caballo even has studies proving that it can strengthen the connection between the jawline and teeth.
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Kidney/Bladder Health
HorseTail has a long & documented history of use as a Diuretic (a substance that increases the amount of urine produced by the body). In a recent study comparing Horsetail to its pharmaceutical counterpart, it is found that it is just as effective as the drug from Big Pharm but without causing excessive Electrolyte Loss & Health Risks.
The Natural Diuretic action of the Horsetail that it has inside of your body helps your kidneys cleanse the blood by triggering the need for water in the body and regulating all urinary problems. The Native Americans, approved this herb as a Diuretic & Diabetes detox for the Treatment of Swelling and Fluid Retention.
A Study by the University of Maryland Medical Centre showed that the diuretic activity of Horsetail was most effective and beneficial to people with Kidney Stones, Particularly the Uric Acid Stones that are usually associated with Gout.
The cleansing effect can be very useful in combating bladder and Urinary problems, by boosting the flow of urine, flushing out Harmful Bacteria and Toxins while soothing the constant urge to Pee by Repairing your urinary system. The High Silica content of HorseTail is known to be responsible for its healing action upon the urinary tract.
Wound Healing
The Rich Silica content of HorseTail is Responsible for its ability to speed up wound healing. The Silicates & Silicic Acid Promote the Migration of Leukocytes and Neutrophils (which are types of White Blood Cells that Fight off Infection), to the site of the wounds and initiate the inflammatory phase of the healing process. This is where you get the Skinny Benefits from this herb. Horsetail is an excellent clotting agent that not only helps to stop wounds but also effective in Nosebleeds too.
Hair & Skin Health
Lastly, Cola de Caballo has been used around the world for centuries as a beautifying herb. Silicon is believed to be key to the optimal synthesis of Collagen, a building block that is essential to the strength and elasticity of skin.
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Typical Use
Horsetail Tea
(Put the desired amount.)
Recommended: Use 2-3 teaspoons of dried herb, per cup of boiling water and steep for 5 -10 minutes depending on taste. Then strain and serve.
For Hair: Mix 3 to 4 drops of Horsetail Tincture with 2 tablespoons of Coconut Oil. Massage onto the scalp to promote blood circulation and strengthen hair follicles.
Horsetail Tincture
Traditionally Taken: 2-3ml taken 2-3 times per day, or as directed by a Herbal Practitioner.
Latin Name & Known As:
Equisetum Arvense, Equisetum Robustum; Shave Grass, Joint Grass, Scouring Rush, Bottle Brush, Paddock Pipes, Horse Willow, Cola De Caballo, HorseTail
Suggested Use: Drink 4 cups a day. Boil 3 level teaspoons of herbs in 1 quart of water and simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and enjoy. May be flavored with lemon and honey. Drink plenty of water while using this herb.
If you are pregnant or nursing, consult a health care professional before using this product. Store in a cool and dry place; out of the reach of children. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consult your physician before using this product.