Palo Azul or Kidney Wood is a natural wood from a tree that is grown in Mexico. Used for hundreds of years, it can easily be brewed to make tea. Palo Azul tea is an herbal diuretic tea brewed with the bark of the Palo Azul plant, scientifically known as Eysenhardtia polystachya. Also known as kidneywood, this herb has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, and the bark is known to contain some very unique nutrients.
The primary benefits of Palo Azul tea include the following:
- Supports kidney health (Detox and Cleanse)*
- Reducing inflammation*
- Supports weight loss*
- Soothes digestive upset*
- Manage chronic conditions*
- Supports mental health*
Kidney wood is administered for problems associated with the kidneys and lower urinary tract. The properties of palo azul have a strong alkalizing effect which helps with pain especially in the urinary tract due to acidic irritations.*
Directions: Add 2-3 pieces to 15oz cold water and let steep in the refrigerator for 24 hours and drink 6oz twice a day
Notes: The tea's color alters as you cook it. It transitions through a variety of shades of brown, red, and blue. If you want the color of the tea to be bluer, you can cook it for half an hour. Moreover, the blue color is merely seen as a refraction of light. If you wish to have an even more intense shade of blue, pour the tea in a clear water bottle or glass and hold it near the light. This will help you see the blue hues of the tea.
Kidney wood is administered for problems associated with the kidneys and lower urinary tract. If you are prone to overly-concentrated, acidic urine, kidney stones, or urinary tract infections, then palo azul is for you. The properties of palo azul have a strong alkalizing effect which reduces pain especially in the urinary tract due to acidic irritations. Palo Azul is a diuretic and is antimicrobial, both characteristics being beneficial to kidney and bladder infections
Directions: Add 2 pieces to 15 oz cold water and let steep in the refrigerator for 24 hours and drink 6 oz twice a day
Boil with water like regular tea
Palo Azul es una madera natural de un árbol que se cultiva en México. Utilizado durante cientos de años, se puede preparar fácilmente para hacer té
La madera de riñón se administra para problemas asociados con los riñones y el tracto urinario inferior. Si es propenso a tener una orina ácida y demasiado concentrada, cálculos renales o infecciones del tracto urinario, entonces el palo azul es para usted. Las propiedades del palo azul tienen un fuerte efecto alcalinizante que reduce el dolor especialmente en el tracto urinario por irritaciones ácidas. Palo Azul es diurético y antimicrobiano, siendo ambas características beneficiosas para las infecciones de riñón y vejiga.
Instrucciones: Agregue 2 piezas a 15 oz de agua fría y deje reposar en el refrigerador durante 24 horas y beba 6 oz dos veces al día
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.