- Helps with blood glucose control / Ayuda con el control de la azucar en la sangre
- High in fiber / Alto en fibra
- Helps combat weight problems / Ayuda combatir problemas con el sobrepeso
- Helps improve cholesterol levels / Ayuda mejorar los niveles de colesterol
- 100% Canary Seed Powder with no fillers or flavors / 100% Leche de Alpiste sin ningun sabor aditional
Canary seed milk powder is made with nothing more than ground human grade, silica free canary seeds. Betel Natural makes it easy to take canary seed powder without the hassle of straining and trying to get the best out of the seed. All you have to do is mix with water and enjoy! Canary seed milk powder has a refreshing nutty taste and is a perfect addition to any morning shakes you may already be making.