Wereke 90 Capsules

Wereke 90 Capsules

Medicinas Naturales
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Wereke 90 Capsules

Wereke has several Medicinal Properties

  • Anti inflammatory
  • Anti diabetic
  • Antirheumatic
  • Helps to prevent skin issues 
  • Helps to control the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke
  • Painkiller


Does it mean that it is good for everybody? Not necessarily.


Taking wereke is not recommended for the following people

  • Pregnant women: It could cause miscarriage
  • People with sensitive stomach: Taken in excess, it can work as a purgative.
  • If you are Diabetic & are taking Anti-Diabetic Medications consult with your doctor 👩‍⚕️.   




Although its toxicity is close to null, it is not recommended for babies and medical supervision is always advisable, as with any other dietary supplement.

How is it used?

Take 1 capsule three times a day. ( Tomar 1 cápsula tres veces al día )

For the control of diabetes, slices of dried Wereke is boiled in water and the resulting decoction is drunk as a tea. Various other products containing Wereke are also available in commerce, including capsules and TEAs. Wereke belongs to the gourd or pumpkin family, which includes some plants that do in fact have biochemical compounds that may reduce the levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

The wereque or wereke is a plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family, originating in various parts of Mexico. The part of the root of the Wereque is used as a medicinal remedy. Wereke is for extremely helpful for diabetics and for those who need glucose control and lower blood pressure, but are NOT taking prescribed medications or drugs that may interfere. Follow directions on the bottle.